To:      Executive

27 April 2021



Arrangements for Climate Change Advisory Panel

Executive Director: Delivery – Democratic & Registration Services

1          Purpose of Report

1.1       This report seeks agreement to the operational arrangements for the Climate Change Advisory Panel (CCAP) which the Executive resolved to establish at the 26 January Executive meeting (minute 124 refers).

2          Recommendation

2.1       That the size, allocation of seats, membership and arrangements for the Climate Change Advisory Panel be agreed as set out at section 5 of the report.

3          Reasons for Recommendation

3.1       On 26 January the Executive agreed to form a Climate Change Advisory Panel (CCAP) as part of consideration of the Climate Change Strategy and action plan.  The next step is for the Executive to agree the arrangements within which this panel will operate.

4          Alternative Options Considered

4.1       The decision to establish an advisory panel has already been made by the Executive.

5          Supporting Information

5.1       As part the Overview and Scrutiny Commission’s climate change review it was agreed at the 6 January Commission meeting to recommend to the Executive that a dedicated cross-party councillor group should be established to progress climate change activities in the Borough.  The Commission was keen that this group should have the remit to invite contributions from Parish and Town Councils, specialists in the field and other interested parties as part of its work.  The recommendations of the Overview & Scrutiny Commission have been considered in the drafting of this report.

5.2       The proposals in this report are based on the arrangements adopted for the Corporate Parenting Advocacy Panel and the newly formed Equalities Working Group, both of which have been commended by councillors as providing sound involvement of executive and non-executive councillors.

5.3       The CCAP will not replicate the function of the Overview & Scrutiny Commission leading on climate change.  The Commission will make use of its scrutiny role to assess progress against the climate change action plan and to hold the Executive Member to account on performance, through the Council Performance Overview Report.  Members of CCAP, who are also members of the Commission, should consider whether any conflict of interest arises for them when these matters are discussed by the Commission.

5.4       CCAP is an advisory Panel and therefore is not subject to the political balance rules.  However, the proposal is that core membership should be drawn from all political groups represented on the council and open to all other councillors to attend meetings and contribute to discussions if they wish.

5.5       The impact of man-made climate change can be seen in every Executive portfolio however there are three Executive Members who have direct climate change responsibilities within their portfolios:

·         Cllr Mrs Hayes – Executive Member for the Environment and lead Member for climate change

·         Cllr Harrison – Executive Member for Culture, Delivery & Public Protection (air quality, cemetery and crematorium, parking)

·         Cllr Turrell – Executive Member for Planning & Transport (transport)

5.6       Given the greater impact on these three portfolios it is proposed that all three Executive Members are members of the CCAP; the Executive Member for the Environment as a core member of the Panel and the Executive Members for Culture, Delivery & Public Protection and Planning and Transport as non-voting co-opted members.

            Food Waste Working Group

5.7       The Food Waste Working Group was established by the Executive Member for the Environment to support the implementation of the collection of food waste in the Borough.  The Group has been highly effective in supporting this new service which is now live.  There are outstanding issues regarding the collection of food waste from houses of multiple occupation and flats which are subject of a scrutiny review due to commence in April, which will make recommendations on the way forward to the Executive in due course.  As the work of this group has in effect delivered what it was set up to do, the Executive Member for the Environment asked the membership whether everyone supported incorporating the group into a wider climate change group.  All those present at the meeting endorsed this proposal, therefore at the Annual Meeting of the Council on 19 May 2021 the Food Waste Working Group will be disbanded and any issues relating to food waste will be considered by the Climate Change Advisory Panel.

            Proposed arrangements for the Climate Change Advisory Panel

5.8       The proposed arrangements are set out below.


Climate Change Advisory Panel (CCAP)


·         To provide advice to the Executive through the Executive Member for the Environment, regarding climate change activities within the Borough

·         To seek to influence actions/decisions and make recommendations to the Executive when required

Decision-making powers

The Panel has no decision-making powers.  This is an advisory body to the Executive through the Executive Member, which will seek to make recommendations to the Executive Member and/or the Executive as appropriate.

Lead Member

Executive Member for the Environment


At a date to be agreed with the Chair after the Annual Meeting of the Council on 19 May 2021.


On the determination of the Leader of the Council


8 weekly


Teams/Zooms meetings


Meetings will be held in public unless exempt or confidential information is being discussed or the Chair determines that a meeting in private is more appropriate to the matters under discussion.


To be comprised of 12 members (10:1:1), cross-party including executive and non-executive councillors.  All other councillors are entitled to attend meetings and contribute to discussions dependent on their interests and availability.

The Executive Member for the Environment is a member of the Panel and the Executive Members for Culture, Delivery & Public Protection and Planning and Transport are non-voting co-opted members.

Membership to be reviewed annually and reported to the Annual Council.  Membership changes during the year to be agreed by the Leader of the Council in the normal way.

The Panel may invite contributions from Parish and Town Councils, specialists in the field and other interested parties as required, as part of its work.


To be nominated at the Annual Meeting of the Council on 19 May 2021


To be nominated at the Annual Meeting of the Council on 19 May 2021


Conservative (10)

Executive Member for the Environment, 2 co-opted non-voting Executive Members and 7 other councillors to be agreed at the Annual Meeting of the Council on 19 May 2021


Labour (1)

Cllr Temperton


Liberal Democrat (1)

Cllr Parker


Co-opted Members (non-voting)

Executive Member for Culture, Delivery & Public Protection

Executive Member for Planning and Transport

Officer Support

Kevin Gibbs, Executive Director: Delivery

Democratic Services Officer


·         To support delivery of the Council’s Climate Change Strategy and action plan, including matters within the terms of reference of the Food Waste Working Group

·         To promote initiatives internally and externally to address and mitigate man-made climate change

6          Consultation and Other Considerations

Legal Advice

6.1       There are no specific legal implications arising from the recommendations in this report.

Financial Advice

6.2       There are no resources available to cover the cost, estimated at £5k, of officer support required for this additional advisory panel.  Its establishment will therefore impact on savings previously identified in Democratic Services or require other savings to be made.  The cost of potential guest speakers could be met from the Member Development Budget given that they will be adding to members’ understanding of the topic.

Other Consultation Responses

6.3       The Overview & Scrutiny Commission recommended the establishment of a cross party member group as part of its scrutiny of the Council’s climate change strategy and action plan.  The Commission Vice-Chair has been consulted on the contents of this report.

6.4       The Food Waste Working Group was consulted on incorporating the group within the Climate Change Advisory Panel.

Equalities Impact Assessment

6.5       Not applicable

Strategic Risk Management Issues

6.6       Not applicable

Background Papers



Contact for further information

Ann Moore, Democratic & Registration Services - 01344 352260